About us
Being approachable and available to you
Legacy Accountants Tauranga is an offshoot from the original Legacy that was formed by Barry Morgan, Jason Lougher and Jolene Hannah back in 2012. After almost 12 years operating as two locations in Tauranga and Whakatane it was time for both offices to stand on their own feet, and so Legacy Accountants Tauranga Limited became official.
We have an exceptional team that work hard to meet (and hopefully) exceed your expectations. The added benefit is we love what we do, you won’t find us sad to be at work, it’s more likely you’ll hear laughter ringing from our lunchroom.
We understand how important it is to be available and approachable, the Directors are forward facing and pride ourselves on these attributes. We have high expectations of ourselves and what we provide to clients, we trust this shows through in the work we do. If you are on the fence, give us a bell and find out if we are the right fit for you… it might just be the best decision you’ve made!
“Our aim is to ensure our services exceed your expectations and create value by giving advice you can rely on for business success.”
So what makes Legacy different?
The directors are forward facing and make ourselves available. We partner with our team members so there is always at least two members who know and understand you. We put our relationship with you first because we believe building relationships is the cornerstone of our business. These relationships might be with clients, team members, other professionals, our friends and family or even within the communities that we live in. This is where we gain our perception of what your needs are, in order to add value that exceeds anything you have experienced before. This foundation of relationships and our approachability is why we are different from any other chartered accounting firms you will meet. Full disclosure, if you are looking for someone in a suit, you will not find that here, but if you want to come and have chat and see what we can do for your business, give us a call or send an enquiry on the site. We’ll be happy to meet you (free of charge) to see how we can help, and if we can’t we’ll let you know (also free of charge)!
Look forward to hearing from you!
If you have stumbled on our page and are looking for Legacy Whakatane please follow the below links:
Jason: calc.co.nz | Emma: www.precisionaccountants.co.nz