Client Perspective – Heather Dawson – Storied

Your content, be it website copy, promotional collateral, or social media posts, says a lot about who you are as a business. It’s your chance to demonstrate your values, showcase your personality and establish your point of difference.Your written communications should be engaging, clear and relevant to your audience. In the age of ‘content shock’ where we are bombarded with messaging at every turn, your business needs to invest in producing content which tells a story; something which helps your customers and resonates with them.Poorly written content could be the difference between a customer choosing you or your competitor. Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors may seem insignificant, but they convey to your audience that you’re happy to settle for substandard work – is that the impression you want to leave with your clients and prospects?Spellcheck in Microsoft Word or installing Grammarly helps you catch simple errors before you go to print. To take your content to the next level – to impress and connect with your clients – consider a content or communications specialist to help tell your story. Copywriting | Wordsmithing | Proofreading


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