Sustainability in the Workplace

The word ‘sustainable’ seems to be thrown around on a regular basis these days, not just in relation to the food we eat, but also to business and the wider economy.Sustainability in a work environment relates to an awareness of resources: how they are used and how we can conserve these resources to the benefit both of our environment and our pocket.The impact this thinking can have in our workplace is significant. It can alter staff attitudes and behaviours positively, with a common goal, a shift in motivation and a more positive approach. Through sustainable practices, employees may be moved to reconsider other aspects of their approach, from how they exercise to how business is conducted. Sustainability is about respect: for the environment, other team members and the business itself. And it helps highlight to employees just how and where company resources are used.Develop a strategy with your team. Here are some simple starters:• Set your printers to double-sided by default and recycle paper• Include a snippet on green practices in your induction manual• Use environmentally friendly cleaning products• Think about not using the in-sink waste disposal – recycle and compost as much waste as practicable• Establish a carbon-free travelling initiative with employees• Dedicate five minutes of the weekly team meeting to generating new ideas.Sustainability ties in with sound business practices – building efficiency, minimising waste and maximising resources. A more efficient operation cuts costs. And sustainable businesses are in tune with today’s market as customers and investors are more and more interested in the impact of business on society and the environment. By refocusing how you operate, you can make your business more sustainable.Legacy Chartered Accountants has offices in Whakatane and Tauranga.


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